Welcome to HHLA!

The Helpin Hand Project believes no-one should be denied education, a resource, or healthcare services so we are here to help and improve you and your family through programing and services.




548 W Compton Blvd. Compton, CA 90220

“Everyone can be GREAT, because everyone can serve.” - M.L.K. Jr

Check out how you can give or receive a Helpin Hand.

Our Programs:

HHLA programs are focused on providing families with essentials to achieve what they believe. With our contribution, you can discover the push you need to help those you love and care for.

Support The Helpin Hand


Throughout California, HHLA is providing programs and services to communities that most wouldn’t want to find themselves lost in. However these same communities are the ones that house essential workers, shelters and seniors citizens we know and care about. Help our programs and services continue to help those in need by donating to HHLA.


Shop Merch

HHLA provides fashion-forward merchandise that is apart of our BUY 1 GIVE 1 Program. When any merchandise is purchased we will donate a piece of the same value to a community or family in need. Please support or Programs and Services by purchasing one today.